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1. What is the significance of the glass of milk, the apple, and the pear?
The item's show pleasure is the simplest thing's from nature.
 2. Montag thought he saw the Mechanical Hound and reached his breaking point. What did he see? a deer
3. After Montag's musing about the Sun and fire, why is it ironic that he sees a fire?  How is this fire different? He believes fire is like the root of all evil. But the fire used by Granger is one of warmth not murderous attempt.
4. Who is Granger? Who are his associates? (Spend a few sentences explaining this.) From what I'm guessing he's the leader of the group and his associates are  Fred ,Thomas, Dr. Simmons . They are a small group of former scholar's who are on the run for crimes such as having the book etc.
5. What happens on the "show" portraying the chase after Montag? The show kill's another person besides Montag which show's you that everyone in the city want's to be entertained or they'll be displeased so they killed someone innocent.
6. What does Granger mean when he says, "We made the right kind of mistakes." Like what Montag did he killed Beatty because of his wrong doing even though Montag committed a crime he believed he was justified to do it so and Granger probably had a deeper meaning such as just cause it's truth doesn't mean it's right.


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