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Day 3 -created by Jose-


Why the Fuk is wrong with Weather?

How does bipolar weather work?

Bipolar weather is the weather changing from day to day

Bipolar could be very dangerous can lead to hurricanes and tornados

Can destroy buildings


The power to transfer own health and help the suffering of millions and millions of human beings

Against cruelty

Creatures used for profit including us

We are the most significant but that doesn’t give us the right to treat or capture other creatures/human beings

In one year the demand calls for 56million or more of farm animals not including fish or aquatic animals

Imagine that the day u were born someone already planned ur execution

The cost of an egg is millions and millions of other chickens death

Factory Farming chickens stay in steel cage and get bruised and killed

Charmin pigs most used bread in America

Confinement cause pigs to go insane

Bacon is actually con flesh

Cows can’t produce milk without being pregnant

Save the planet

Animal architecture equals 15% more greenhouse gas more then the transportation unit

25% of the US goes to animals and grains

2400Gallons =1lb of meat

1acre can produce 40k lbs of potatoes

1 acre can produce 250lbs of meat

Myth #1 need milk for calcium and bone growth

Dairy products cause of osteoporosis bones start to break and reduce when getting older

Myth#2 u need meat for the growth of muscles


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